Seasons and episodes
5Season 5 20. Dec, 2021
- 5 - 1Let's Start Over Again 20. Dec, 2021
- 5 - 2That Holiday Spirit 20. Dec, 2021
- 5 - 3How Did The Board Meeting Go? 11. Mar, 2022
- 5 - 4Go Catch Your Horse 18. Mar, 2022
- 5 - 5A Little Fun Wouldn't Hurt 25. Mar, 2022
- 5 - 6Devoting All of Her Energy to Hate 01. Apr, 2022
- 5 - 7A Real Actress Could Do It 08. Apr, 2022
- 5 - 8The Only Thing That Counts Is Winning 15. Apr, 2022
- 5 - 9A Friendly Kiss Between Friends 29. Apr, 2022
- 5 - 10Mind Your Own Business 06. May, 2022
- 5 - 11I'll Settle for a Prayer 13. May, 2022
- 5 - 12There's No Need to Panic 20. May, 2022
- 5 - 13Do You Always Talk to Turtles 27. May, 2022
- 5 - 14Vicious Vendetta 03. Jun, 2022
- 5 - 15Ben 24. Jun, 2022
- 5 - 16My Family, My Blood 01. Jul, 2022
- 5 - 17There's No One Around to Watch You Drown 08. Jul, 2022
- 5 - 18A Writer of Dubious Talent 05. Aug, 2022
- 5 - 19But a Drug Scandal? 12. Aug, 2022
- 5 - 20First Kidnapping and Now Theft 02. Sep, 2022
- 5 - 21More Power to Her 09. Sep, 2022
- 5 - 22Catch 22 16. Sep, 2022
4Season 4 07. May, 2021
- 4 - 1That Unfortunate Dinner 07. May, 2021
- 4 - 2Vows Are Still Sacred 14. May, 2021
- 4 - 3The Aftermath 21. May, 2021
- 4 - 4Everybody Loves The Carringtons 28. May, 2021
- 4 - 5New Hopes, New Beginnings 04. Jun, 2021
- 4 - 6A Little Father-Daughter Chat 11. Jun, 2021
- 4 - 7The Birthday Party 18. Jun, 2021
- 4 - 8Your Sick and Self-Serving Vendetta 25. Jun, 2021
- 4 - 9Equal Justice for the Rich 02. Jul, 2021
- 4 - 10I Hate to Spoil Your Memories 16. Jul, 2021
- 4 - 11A Public Forum for Her Lies 23. Jul, 2021
- 4 - 12Everything but Facing Reality 30. Jul, 2021
- 4 - 13Go Rescue Someone Else 06. Aug, 2021
- 4 - 14But I Don't Need Therapy 13. Aug, 2021
- 4 - 15She Lives in a Showplace Penthouse 20. Aug, 2021
- 4 - 16The British are Coming 27. Aug, 2021
- 4 - 17Stars Make You Smile 03. Sep, 2021
- 4 - 18A Good Marriage in Every Sense 10. Sep, 2021
- 4 - 19Everything Looks Wonderful, Joseph 17. Sep, 2021
- 4 - 20You Vicious, Miserable Liar 24. Sep, 2021
- 4 - 21Affairs of State and Affairs of the Heart 24. Sep, 2021
- 4 - 22Filled With Manipulations and Deceptions 01. Oct, 2021
3Season 3 11. Oct, 2019
- 3 - 1Guilt Trip To Alaska 11. Oct, 2019
- 3 - 2Caution Never Won a War 18. Oct, 2019
- 3 - 3Wild Ghost Chase 25. Oct, 2019
- 3 - 4Something Desperate 01. Nov, 2019
- 3 - 5Mother? I'm at La Mirage 08. Nov, 2019
- 3 - 6A Used Up Memory 15. Nov, 2019
- 3 - 7Shoot From the Hip 22. Nov, 2019
- 3 - 8The Sensational Blake Carrington Trial 06. Dec, 2019
- 3 - 9The Caviar, I Trust, Is Not Burned 17. Jan, 2020
- 3 - 10What Sorrows Are You Drowning? 24. Jan, 2020
- 3 - 11A Wound That May Never Heal 31. Jan, 2020
- 3 - 12Battle Lines 07. Feb, 2020
- 3 - 13You See Most Things in Terms of Black & White 21. Feb, 2020
- 3 - 14That Wicked Stepmother 28. Feb, 2020
- 3 - 15Up a Tree 27. Mar, 2020
- 3 - 16Is the Next Surgery on the House? 03. Apr, 2020
- 3 - 17She Cancelled... 10. Apr, 2020
- 3 - 18You Make Being a Priest Sound Like Something Bad 17. Apr, 2020
- 3 - 19Robin Hood Rescues 01. May, 2020
- 3 - 20My Hangover's Arrived 08. May, 2020
2Season 2 12. Oct, 2018
- 2 - 1Twenty-Three Skidoo 12. Oct, 2018
- 2 - 2Ship of Vipers 19. Oct, 2018
- 2 - 3The Butler Did It 26. Oct, 2018
- 2 - 4Snowflakes in Hell 02. Nov, 2018
- 2 - 5Queen Of Cups 09. Nov, 2018
- 2 - 6That Witch 16. Nov, 2018
- 2 - 7A Temporary Infestation 30. Nov, 2018
- 2 - 8A Real Instinct for the Jugular 07. Dec, 2018
- 2 - 9Crazy Lady 18. Jan, 2019
- 2 - 10A Champagne Mood 18. Jan, 2019
- 2 - 11The Sight of You 25. Jan, 2019
- 2 - 12Filthy Games 01. Feb, 2019
- 2 - 13Even Worms Can Procreate 08. Feb, 2019
- 2 - 14Parisian Legend Has It... 15. Mar, 2019
- 2 - 15Motherly Overprotectiveness 22. Mar, 2019
- 2 - 16Miserably Ungrateful Men 29. Mar, 2019
- 2 - 17How Two-Faced Can You Get 19. Apr, 2019
- 2 - 18Life Is A Masquerade Party 26. Apr, 2019
- 2 - 19This Illness of Mine 03. May, 2019
- 2 - 20New Lady In Town 10. May, 2019
- 2 - 21Thicker Than Money 17. May, 2019
- 2 - 22Deception, Jealousy, and Lies 24. May, 2019
1Season 1 11. Oct, 2017
- 1 - 1I Hardly Recognized You 11. Oct, 2017
- 1 - 2Spit It Out 18. Oct, 2017
- 1 - 3Guilt Is for Insecure People 25. Oct, 2017
- 1 - 4Private as a Circus 01. Nov, 2017
- 1 - 5Company Slut 08. Nov, 2017
- 1 - 6I Exist Only for Me 15. Nov, 2017
- 1 - 7A Taste of Your Own Medicine 29. Nov, 2017
- 1 - 8The Best Things in Life 06. Dec, 2017
- 1 - 9Rotten Things 13. Dec, 2017
- 1 - 10A Well-Dressed Tarantula 17. Jan, 2018
- 1 - 11I Answer to No Man 24. Jan, 2018
- 1 - 12Promises You Can't Keep 31. Jan, 2018
- 1 - 13Nothing but Trouble 07. Feb, 2018
- 1 - 14The Gospel According to Blake Carrington 09. Mar, 2018
- 1 - 15Our Turn Now 16. Mar, 2018
- 1 - 16Poor Little Rich Girl 23. Mar, 2018
- 1 - 17Enter Alexis 30. Mar, 2018
- 1 - 18Don't Con a Con Artist 06. Apr, 2018
- 1 - 19Use or Be Used 20. Apr, 2018
- 1 - 20A Line From the Past 27. Apr, 2018
- 1 - 21Trashy Little Tramp 04. May, 2018
- 1 - 22Dead Scratch 11. May, 2018
Follows two of America’s wealthiest families, the Carringtons and the Colbys, as they feud for control over their fortune and their children focusing on Fallon Carrington, the daughter of billionaire Blake Carrington, and her soon-to-be stepmother, Cristal, a Hispanic woman marrying into this WASP family and America’s most powerful class.
Fallon Carrington
Blake Carrington
Steven Carrington
Sam 'Sammy Joe' Flores
Michael Culhane
Jeff Colby
Joseph Anders
Video trailer
Original title Dynasty
TMDb Rating 8.119 843 votes
First air date 11. Oct, 2017
Last air date 16. Sep, 2022
Seasons 5
Episodes 108
Average Duration 43 minutes
Nonton Serial TV Dynasty (2017) - IDLIX
IDLIX adalah situs penyedia layanan streaming serial tv terbaik, situs IDLIX menyediakan berbagai serial tv dari layanan populer seperti Netflix, Disney+, HBO, Apple TV+, Amazon Prime Video dan beragam penyedia layanan populer lainnya yang kemudian kami satukan kedalam situs IDLIX untuk para pecinta serial tv barat, drama korea, anime, dan lainnya dalam kualitas yang jernih, HD, 720p, 1080p dan tentunya dalam subtitle berbahasa Indonesia agar mudah dipahami dan ditonton.
Bagi teman-teman sekalian yang nyaman dan suka untuk menonton disitus streaming film dan serial tv IDLIX, jangan lupa untuk membagikan keseruan dan kenyamanan dalam menonton serial tv Dynasty (2017) ke teman-teman anda, keluarga anda, sahabat anda maupun rekan kerja anda, terima kasih dan selamat menikmati serial tv yang anda tonton sekarang :).
Tips Nonton Series di IDLIX
Bagi teman-teman yang sering menonton film atau series disitus IDLIX ini ada beberapa tips yang perlu anda ketahui sebelum menonton.
- Pertama, pastikan koneksi internet anda stabil dan cepat, minimal 50Mbps untuk streaming film kualitas 360-720p tanpa patah-patah atau buffering.
- Kedua, pastikan browser anda dalam up-to-date (kami sarankan menggunakan google chrome terbaru), selalu meng-update browser anda untuk pengalaman streaming terbaik disitus IDLIX.
- Ketiga, ajak teman-teman anda untuk nonton bareng atau nobar disitus kesayangan IDLIX biar tidak membuang-buang quota anda, sediakan juga camilan seperti pop-corn atau minuman untuk menemani anda.
- Keempat, jika kamu menyukai film ini maka jangan pernah ragu untuk segera membagikannya ke teman-teman anda biar mereka juga bisa menikmati film yang bagus menurut anda serta membantu situs IDLIX untuk berkembang :).
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IDLIX merupakan situs nonton film online gratis untuk semua rakyat INDONESIA, situs ini dikhususkan untuk para pecinta film namun tidak memiliki akses ke bioskop ataupun untuk menonton film yang tidak ada tayang dinegara Indonesia, dan perlu diketahui IDLIX tidak menyimpan segala konten film-film yang ada disitus ini, IDLIX hanya mengambil film dari berbagai sumber yang berada di internet lewat website/forum ataupun situs penyedia layanan streaming seperti youtube, facebook atau yang lainnya.
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